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📚 Scaling People

Claire Hughes Johnston

This is my favourite book at the moment cc: Stripe. In all seriousness, I listened to CHJ on Lenny’s Podcast and just nodded a lot and thought that book will be this distilled. It was that and then some. I would buy it soon though as I think they might stop reprinting it (which they shouldn’t!.

📚 Shape up

Ryan Singer

I read Shape Up after it was referenced on a podcast. It was interesting at the time but it became more important after. Today I use a lot of the original Shape Up practices along with new ones that have been added from

📚 Principles

Ray Dalio

When I first read Principles I remember thinking that I should have worked harder at understanding ‘the market’. I recently skipped to the actual Principles part. I deeply regret not doing it sooner

📚 Radical Candor

Kim Scott

This book was directly lifted from Peter Laurie, it is exactly what it says on the tin, it explains how to be radically candid with people. For newly formed teams, (think forming, storming and norming) storming is next which means honesty and trust is important.

📚 The obstacle is the way

Adam Grant

Review coming soon! Good for Mindset.

📚 Good to Great

Jim Collins

Although good to great is where most people start when reading Jim collins it’s wasn’t where I started and it wasn’t actually where Collin’s started either. His first book that I ma yet to read is great by choice. I started at How the Mighty fall (below). The important part about Good to great is that the research team behind the book, actually just researched a simple hypothesis, which was updated through the process, but the sheer amount of data that was collected is impressive and accurate. Ironically, a key point from this book for me was how often Collin’s implores you to question his findings.

📚 How the Mighty Fall

Jim Collins

Jim seems to like things in 5’s. It’s reminds me of how Taylor Swift likes the number 13, it’s cute. In any case How the Mighty fall is really just Jim explaining the 5 stages of decline which are terrifying(ly) accurate if you have experienced it. It is literally a car running out of fuel, or a line graph gasping for air. Super practical and I suppose the Juxtaposition to Good to Great.

📚 Never split the difference

Chris Voss

If anyone is going to have a crack at applying first principles to a problem it’s probably hostage negotiator. It took me a while to get over things that I felt were ‘corporate’ and seeing negotiation through Chris’s explanation did just that. I suppose you would say by the end of the book I said ‘That’s right’. You’ll laugh at the end I promise.








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